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eBay’s Mechanism for Detecting Multiple Accounts: An In-depth Analysis

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How eBay Detects Multiple Accounts

How eBay Detects Multiple Accounts

eBay, the renowned online marketplace, has stringent policies to ensure fair trade practices. One such policy is limiting users to only one account unless they have a legitimate reason for operating multiple accounts. To enforce this, eBay has developed sophisticated mechanisms to detect multiple accounts. 

eBay’s Techniques for Detecting Multiple Accounts

eBay uses a combination of methods to identify users operating more than one account. Here are some of the most common techniques:

  1. IP Address Tracking: eBay tracks the IP addresses of its users. If multiple accounts are accessed from the same IP address, eBay may flag them as multiple accounts operated by a single user.
  2. Device ID Tracking: eBay can also identify the device used to access the platform. If the same device is used to log into different accounts, it may arouse suspicion.
  3. Cookie Tracking: eBay uses cookies to track user activity. If the cookies reveal that multiple accounts are being operated on the same device, it could lead to detection.
  4. Payment Method Tracking: If the same payment method is used across different accounts, eBay may consider them as multiple accounts of a single user.

How GoLogin Helps in Managing Multiple eBay Accounts

While eBay allows users to have multiple accounts for valid reasons, managing them without raising red flags can be challenging. This is where GoLogin, a browser identity management platform, comes in handy.

GoLogin’s Role in Securely Operating Multiple eBay Accounts

GoLogin offers a range of features that enable users to manage multiple eBay accounts more efficiently and securely:

– Antidetect Browser: GoLogin’s antidetect browser, Orbita, allows users to create separate browser profiles for each eBay account. This helps in preventing detection based on device ID or cookies.

– Proxy Integration: GoLogin allows users to use different proxies for different eBay accounts, effectively managing the risk of detection based on IP addresses.

– Cloud Storage: With GoLogin, users can store their browser profiles in the cloud, allowing them to access their multiple eBay accounts from any device without raising suspicion.

– Automation: GoLogin supports automation tools, making it easier for users to manage multiple accounts without violating eBay’s policies.


Why does eBay track multiple accounts?

eBay tracks multiple accounts to prevent fraudulent activities and ensure fair trading practices on its platform.

Can I legally have multiple eBay accounts?

Yes, eBay allows users to have multiple accounts for legitimate reasons, such as selling in different categories or managing large inventories.

How does GoLogin help in managing multiple eBay accounts?**

GoLogin allows users to create separate browser profiles for each eBay account, use different proxies, store browser profiles in the cloud, and automate tasks, making it easier to manage multiple accounts without detection.

Can GoLogin guarantee that my multiple eBay accounts won’t be detected?

While GoLogin offers tools to minimize the risk of detection, it doesn’t guarantee that multiple accounts won’t be detected. Users should also follow eBay’s policies and guidelines to avoid account suspension.


In conclusion, while eBay employs sophisticated techniques to detect multiple accounts, tools like GoLogin offer a viable solution to manage multiple accounts securely and efficiently. However, it’s essential to understand and abide by eBay’s policies to ensure a smooth selling experience.