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Electric vs. Hybrid vs. Gas – Which Should You Choose for Your New Car?

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Electric vs. Hybrid vs. Gas - Which Should You Choose for Your New Car?

Maybe a few years ago, the question – electric, hybrid, gas, and which vehicle is best – would not have even existed. But, in 2023, the entire landscape has shifted, with nearly every automaker making investments in alternative fuels, and public opinion gradually shifting in favor of electric and hybrid vehicles. However, owing to their newness in the market, it’s understandable if your knowledge about hybrid and electric cars is restricted while shopping Cars4Us in Cessnock. If you are confused about whether to stick to conventional vehicle options or dabble into the new-age models with alternative fuel, this post is perfect for you!

Electric Cars vs Hybrid Cars vs Gas Cars: What is the Difference?

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) – This is a car that operates entirely on electricity, which is stored in the onboard batteries and recharged through a cable.
  • Gas Cars – As the name suggests, gas or petrol cars run on spark-ignited internal combustion that requires regular top-us. We can also include diesel-powered cars in this category, but their usage and ubiquity for commercial vehicles are fast becoming obsolete.
  • Hybrid Cars – Lastly, cars that run on a combination of a conventional diesel or petrol engine coupled with an electric motor and batteries are known as hybrid cars. There is a wide selection of hybrid vehicles on the market right now, including PHEVs, self-charging hybrids, and more.

So, now we know about the basic differences between hybrid, gas, and electric cars. But, how can you choose among these options and ensure that your decision is well-versed? Well, knowing about the pros and cons of the different models can help you reach a conclusion.

Choosing Among Hybrid, Electric, or Gas Cars

  1. Gas Cars

They are an ideal option if you are looking for a familiar, conventional, and tried-and-tested vehicle with lower up-front costs.


  • Lower upfront costs compared to hybrid and electric cars
  • No initial additional expenses, such as an at-home charging station
  • More diversity and options available for gas-run vehicles
  • Higher top speed than gas and hybrid cars
  • Easier fill-ups as gas stations are almost at every other corner


  • Gas-run cars are the least environmentally friendly
  • Higher regular maintenance than hybrid and electric cars
  • The cost of petrol is erratic, and increasing steadily
  1. Electric Cars

Electric vehicles are an excellent option if you want a car that is low maintenance and environmentally friendly.


  • Lowest environmental impact among all three options: electric cars have zero emissions
  • Electric vehicles have lower day-to-day running costs than hybrid or gas-powered cars, as electricity is much cheaper than gasoline and its price is not susceptible to fluctuations.
  • A quieter ride is guaranteed
  • Lower maintenance cost
  • Federal and state tax incentives available


  • Higher upfront cost
  • Lower range; Electric vehicles have a very mediocre travel range (although this is improving)
  • Charging is not convenient, because of the scarcity of charging stations and the time it takes for the EV to recharge
  1. Hybrid Cars

Finally, hybrid cars are a great choice for people who want the best of both worlds – environmental friendliness and moderate upfront costs.


  • More environmentally sustainable than gas-powered cars
  • Quieter than gas-powered cars
  • Longer engine lifespan
  • Higher range than electric cars; a hybrid car can automatically switch from automatic to manual mode, allowing your gasoline engine to take over if you run out of battery power on a long road trip
  • Tax incentives available


  • Less environmentally friendly than electric cars
  • Maintenance can be pretty costly

So, there’s your guide on how to choose among hybrid, electric, or gas cars!